Health & Social Care Professions Staff

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People caring for people

A career in Health Care & Social Care Professions (HSCP’s) is highly rewarding. By coming to work at Tallaght University Hospital you will be joining a large but very welcoming team.

The vision for HSCP’s is to actively enhance people’s lives through the planning and delivery of high quality and innovative diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation services and practices that are safe, timely, effective and focused on the patient.

HSCP’s play a crucial role in optimising and supporting the services provided to patients who attend Tallaght University Hospital.

We are fully committed to ensuring staff are supported in acquiring and developing the skills and knowledge they need to carry out their work safely and effectively, whilst achieving their full potential through career development.

Working within Tallaght University Hospital our HSCP roles include:

Cardiac Catheterisation Measurement Technician
Clinical Engineer Technician
Clinical Photographer
Gastro Intestinal Technician
Medical Scientist
Neurophysiology Measurement Technician
Nutrition and Dietetic
Occupational Therapy
Pharmacy Technician
Respiratory Measurement Technician
Social Worker
Speech & Language Therapy
Vascular Measurement Technician

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